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Wish It Forward 2024

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Check out our Wish Child Ambassador Colm's Wish Story

We’d like to introduce you to this year’s Golf for Wishes wish ambassador, Colm.

13-year-old Colm may be young in age, but the hardships he’s had to endure have given him wisdom well beyond his years. When Colm was only an infant, he was diagnosed with a nervous system disorder. Along with this diagnosis, Colm also lives with a seizure disorder, intestinal failure, and gastroparesis. He needs to carry a backpack with him at all times, relying on portable tubes to deliver nutrition and medications directly into his stomach and small intestine.

Colm’s many medical conditions bring him in and out of the hospital consistently, keeping him from his hobbies of collecting ink stamps, watching his favourite superhero movies, and reading all about historical and scientifical discoveries. All Colm has ever really wanted is, “to feel like a regular kid for just a second.”

Colm’s wish finally came true when he embarked on an extraordinary week-long adventure with his family to his favourite Florida theme park. “The trip felt like an explosion of the most magical fireworks show you can imagine,” Carol, Colm’s mom said. “Make-A-Wish and all its partners blew us out of the water. You took our breath away, made us smile, laugh, and dance and for a moment in time, we completely forgot about tubes and lines and beeps and codes and needles and diagnosis and loss.”

Colm and his family were undoubtedly and positively impacted by this wish. When they felt complete isolation and loneliness from the pain and struggles of their hardships, this wish gave them the hope, strength, and joy to persevere.

“We truly felt like our little unit was travelling inside a giant heart, lifting us up and making sure we felt loved, cared for and exceptional,” Carol said. “Colm felt like he was walking on air the entire week, that was the greatest gift of all. Thank you to each and every one of you who work tirelessly to deliver these dreams to children, like Colm. You are all the very best that humankind has to offer and are leaving a legacy of love and kindness scattered throughout the world”.

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