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Share Love for Wishes

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Lifting spirits and granting wishes

Let’s make Valentine’s Day 2022 more meaningful that ever before! Make-A-Wish Canada joins with Coast 101.1 to give listeners and donors the opportunity widely share the love they feel for the most important people in their lives – spouses, partners, parents, siblings, grandparents, close friends, and extended family. Simultaneously we can help grant life-changing wishes to children in our communities living with critical illnesses. It’s an initiative designed to be highly engaging and emotionally powerful as we connect with loved ones across the province and beyond during this difficult time.

Let us know who you’d like to “Share the Love” with this Valentine’s Day! Make a minimum donation of $20 and you can make a request on the air, be featured on social media, or simply show some love to our wish kids and their families across the province. Your donation helps us grant life changing wishes for critically ill children in our province, and everyone can use a little love during this time!

Please note, not every message may be read on air, but we will try our best to accommodate.

For more information, contact Development Officer Alyssa at:
or by calling our office at 709-739-9474

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