Games are at the heart of all kids’ memories since the beginning of time.  Whether it be a playing a game of tag, cards, video or board games, it’s a moment when children can expand their mind and their world.  Like a wish, games can bring a family closer, especially during these unprecedented times.  In fact, states, “this family time benefits their brains, boosts their language development, and teaches them little life lessons.”  But most important of all, Play for Wishes presented by The Honda Canada Foundation, is all about having fun together.

Below are some of the best rated and most popular games as cited by the New York Magazine’s “The Strategist”, based on numerous reviews.  Each family is different, so please ensure that the game is appropriate for you and your kids – and ENJOY!

Printable Drawing Games

If you have a printer available and some young children with creative minds, please feel free to download some pen and pencil games provided by our partner The Hospital Activity Book for Children.  These fun-filled activities will bring joy to your kids from start to finish! Click below to download your activity pack. 

Activity Pack 

Indoor Games

Today’s Parent has listed some of the top indoor games to play with your kids.  Each is perfect for a cold winter’s night to make memories that will last a lifetime.  CLICK HERE