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Are donations to my fundraiser tax-deductible?
Yes, all donations made through your fundraising webpage will automatically receive an email acknowledgement for tax purposes. Cash or check donations will be acknowledged after they are received and processed by Make-A-Wish.
Is my information secure?
Yes. Make-A-Wish uses industry-standard SSL encryption techniques to make sure that your credit card information, passwords, and personal information travel securely over the Internet. There is an encryption engine on the Make-A-Wish database server so that your data is securely stored How is credit card information handled? Credit card information is not stored by Make-A-Wish. During the donation process, donor credit card information is sent to an online processing terminal using a secure connection. The information passed back is an approval or denial of the credit card donation.
Can I collect cash or check donations for my fundraiser?
Yes, all donations are accepted and important! Cash donations should be converted to check and sent to Make-A-Wish. Be sure to indicate your name and fundraiser name when mailing donations to Make-A-Wish. CRA requires the donor's first and last name and full mailing address. For ease of issuing tax receipts we request the donor's email address and phone number should any issues arise. Cash/Cheque donations can be mailed or dropped off at your local Make-A-Wish office: https://makeawish.ca/locations/
Can Make-A-Wish help with my fundraiser’s expenses?
No, Make-A-Wish cannot cover the cost of expenses for your fundraiser. Please note that in-kind contributions made to your fundraiser goods or services aren’t eligible for tax receipts as they do not directly benefit Make-A-Wish.
I forgot my username or password, how do I have them reset?
Click here to have your username emailed to you. Click here to reset your password.
How do I add a photo to my fundraising page?
Access your Participant Center. Select Edit Personal Page on the right hand side and select Edit Personal Page. Click Photos/Videos and then click choose file, select your image, customize your caption and Save. Make sure your images are in .gif, .jpg, or .png format. Crop or resize your image to 724 pixels wide and 378 pixels tall.
How do I add a video to my fundraising page?
Access your Participant Center. Select Edit Personal Page on the left side and select Photos/Videos. Make sure radio button is selected on Video. Place your video’s YouTube URL and save.
How do I edit my fundraising page name?
Access your Participant Center. Select Edit Personal Page and select Content. Customize your title and save.
How do I update the content on my fundraising page?
Access your Participant Center. Select Edit Personal Page and select Content. Customize your story under the Body. The font size, color, formatting, and font family can be customized. If you would like to see what your content looks like, click preview and a sample of your content will show up in a new window. The preview will not save your content. If you are satisfied return to your personal page and save.
I just finished personalizing my fundraising page. What now?
Tell your friends and family about your fundraiser. Send them an email with a link to your fundraising page and request their support.
How do I personalize my URL?
Access your Participant Center. Select Edit Personal Page and select content. Select URL Settings, enter your preferred URL and Save How do I make my page private? Access your Participant Center. Select Edit Personal Page and select Content. Select URL Settings, select Private and Save.
How do I update my fundraising goal?
Access your Participant Center. Visit the home page under My Progress. Click Change under your goal. Edit your goal and submit
How do I preview my personal page?
Access your Participant Center. Select Personal Page and select View Personal Page. A separate window will open allowing you to view what your page looks like to your friends and family
How do I find out who donated to my page?
Access your Participant Center. Click View Progress. You will be able to view your personal donations, donations made by your friends and family, and who the top 10 donors are
How do I send an email to my contact asking for support?
Access your Participant Center. Select Send Emails. Enter your friend’s name, email address, or choose from your contacts list. Provide a subject line and provide your customized content in the body of the email. If you would like to see what your content looks like, click Preview and a sample of your content will show up. You can also choose from templates provided. Edit the name information and send!
Make-A-Wish provides children with an opportunity to dream BIG, a chance to return to their childhoods (if only for a day or week), and embrace the notion that anything is possible, especially the future. When a wish is granted, a child replaces fear with confidence, sadness with joy and anxiety with hope. Such transformative moments are shared by wish families, Make-A-Wish staff, volunteers, and everyone involved.
• 97% of adult former wish kids report improved mental and emotional health because of their wish experiences
• 83% of adult former wish kids said that their wish experience improved their physical health and strength
• 71% of adult former wish kids believe the wish experience contributed to saving their lives
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