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Rewind 89.3 Radiothon 2022

Campagne personnelle commanditée par Rewind 89.3

30 juin 2022

Soutenez-moi !

Rewind 89.3 is hosting our 6th Annual Radiothon in support of Make-A-Wish Canada on Thursday, June 9 from 6 am – 4 pm!

Listen live all day with Darrin and Mel for moving stories, fun moments with our studio guests, and exciting auction bidding!


We hold the Radiothon on the second Thursday of June each year on a day that is now proclaimed Cole Wittenberg Day in The Municipality of the County of Kings. Cole, at age 4.5, was to be the honorary co-host of our first Radiothon. Cole passed away shortly before the Radiothon and always was and still is a big source of inspiration for why we hold this fundraiser each year. Cole’s family have volunteered at each Radiothon and are incredible supporters of Make-a-Wish (formerly known as Children’s Wish) and other Wish Kid families. Cole was granted his wish to visit a theme park. He spread joy to ever person he met. We were fortunate to have Cole visit the our studio and share some of his joy with us. Cole was the biggest fan of Ninja Turtles and he was a real life Ninja Turtle superhero.


We have named an annual Volunteer Appreciation Award in Cole’s name that is awarded to an outstanding and dedicated Make-a-Wish volunteer. We’ll announce this year’s recipient during the Radiothon broadcast.


Thank you for your support, 

Rewind Team

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