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Calendar of Wishes Ottawa

The Calendar of Wishes, a larger-than-life advent calendar, will reveal a wish that has been granted each day throughout the month of December, featuring a total of 24 wish stories. A whimsical, inspiring and moving activation, the advent calendar is designed to drive awareness behind the stories that fuel the passion of Make-A-Wish.

Running from December 1st- 24th, the eye-catching Calendar Of Wishes is visible to both pedestrians and motorists day and night. Once the last door has been opened, everyone may continue to enjoy the calendar until it is officially taken down the first week of January.

Calendar of Wishes is a unique way to celebrate the courageous journey of each child and illustrate the impact the wish has had in their lives, while offering hope to the kids waiting for their wish to be granted.

With many sponsorship opportunities available, Calendar of Wishes is a great way to engage your communities and get them involved this holiday season!

If you are interested in more information, please contact: 

Sharon Forbes



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