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Ride for King Jay 2024

Join us on June 1, 2024

Sorry, registrations are currently closed.

In 2015 Jayden Strauss (King Jay) was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer of the muscle tissue. 

He was an avid athlete and had a love for team sports  – particularly basketball. Jayden dreamed of designing his own clothing line and sneakers and his wish became reality in 2017 and was the historic 25,000th wish granted. Sadly, he lost his battle with cancer, but not before getting out of his hospital bed and walking the corridors in his new sneakers!

Now, his brother Ryland, together with the rest of the Strauss family, want to ensure that Jayden’s legacy will endure and help other kids fight with the fuel they need – hope.

A message from Ryland - I have a saying I live by after it all, which is "If you think your life is hard, go to the nearest children's hospital and try explaining your problems to a kid fighting for their life everyday."
Which is something that has helped me tremendously, living with epilepsy. It's a perspective you want everyone to grasp, but never have to live in.

The Ride for King Jay is a Fundraising Motorcycle Ride from Edmonton to Calgary and back with a goal to raise $10,000 – the symbolic amount of granting a child’s wish.

How can you get involved and participate?  

Register now! The fee to participate is a $100 donation – but we encourage you to raise more! There will be prizes for those that raise over $500.

Register by clicking the Register button above.

By participating you are helping grant life changing wishes!

Can't participate but still want to help? Click Donate To This Event at the top of this page and make a donation.  You can also purchase King Jay merchandise by visiting the site -

Event Details:

Date: Friday, July 19, 2024
Starting Location: Stollery Children’s Hospital - Edmonton
Kick Off: 8:30 am
Gasoline Stops:
Calgary Stop:
Wrap up Party: 5:00PM at Joey’s Mayfield
Contact:  Ryland Strauss -
Phone: 587-879-7796


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