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Meet some of the 2023 Women for Wishes

By taking part in Women for Wishes, you are joining women across Canada committed to helping Make-A-Wish raise $1 million dollars. We are inspired by this community of women, and hope they inspire you too!

“A child’s life is meant to be simple. If I can help grant a life-changing wish to a child who is experiencing challenges far greater than their age should allow, and give them a sense of hope and joy, then that is so worthwhile.” 

- Josephine Gonzales
BC & Yukon Chapter


“The goals of Make-A-Wish really speak to me. As a mom, I want the very best for not just my own children, but all children. Having now met several wish families, I want to grant as many wishes as possible so that these kids get to be kids and not think about what ails them – even if it’s just for a moment.” 

- Tanya Gabara
BC & Yukon Chapter


"I had the opportunity to be a part of the first Women for Wishes initiative, joining over a hundred women from across the country to raise funds and awareness for Make-A-Wish. Prior to embarking on this journey, I had been involved as an event volunteer, but my experience with the W4W campaign allowed me the opportunity to learn so much more about the organization and the fantastic work they do. Getting to know some of the families, volunteers and staff over the course of the campaign was one of the biggest highlights. 

I was also thrilled to spread the word about the wonderful work that the organization does and the joy that is spread with families. I like to think that my involvement helped not only to grant more wishes, but also share information about the role of MAW in the journey of the families that it supports."

- Rita Dube
Southern Alberta Chapter

"I continue to support Make-a-Wish because I believe that granting a child their most heartfelt wish gives them the courage to face whatever comes next. When a child with a life threatening illness receives a wish, it gives parents hope that anything is possible.

I also do it to see the smiles and the sparkles in their eyes."

- Lynn Power
New Brunswick Chapter

"Our family was so blessed and encouraged when Sarah received her wish. It gave us so much joy in her last months. It was a bright spot in the pain. My wish is for other families to have a wish to enjoy and cherish the memories from!"

- Anne Van Donkersgoed
PEI Chapter

“When I was approached to be one of the Women for Wishes Campaign last year in 2023, I knew I couldn’t say no.  

My daughter has a chronic illness, and though we are blessed that she is healthy and currently in remission, I’ve been where many of these families are, and could relate to what they’re going through. I wanted to use the resources I am blessed to have to give back to people who genuinely deserve it, hoping to make even one child smile and their families less stressed.  

Our primary fundraising method was through a Big Fundraising Event, during which our friends and colleagues attended and heard stories about the fantastic work Make-A-Wish does and how their donations would impact these children. Many individuals attending the event have healthy children and haven’t had to experience the hardships families associated with Make-a-Wish have experienced. I believe that hosting an event showed them how much their donations are needed, allowed them to reflect on how blessed they are, and empowered these individuals to donate. With the help of the Make-A-Wish team, who were kind enough to provide the tools to make the event more meaningful, we surpassed my fundraising goal and helped out some amazingly strong and resilient children in the process!  

Being part of a community that significantly impacts children's lives was incredibly fulfilling; I look forward to continuing to support Make-A-Wish in the future.” 

- Tamar Matossian
Ontario Chapter