Looking for an individual or team participating in this event?
You’ve signed up and set yourself your Ride for Wishes challenge…now what? We know how important it is to see the progress you are making toward your goal, sharing with your friends, family, and colleagues, and making those KMs count towards your fundraising goal.
Whether you choose to ride outdoors or indoors, your challenge will be tracked with the helpful Active Impact™ tracker on your personal fundraising page. You can log in, track your KMs and watch your goal get closer.
There are some great fitness applications available for you to use on your smartphone that will track your activities. Some of these include:
You can set your personal KM goal within your fundraising page which you can review, track and see visible on your public facing page for your friends, family and colleagues to see your collective KMS.
To note: If you have chosen the Joy Squard, please go into your activity tracking, upon registration, and update your personal KM goal.
STEP 1 : Visit Ride for Wishes website: www.rideforwishes.ca and LOGIN (top right hand corner)
STEP 2 : Click ACTIVITY TRACKING on the top banner of the webpage.
STEP 3 : Click the pencil icon for YOUR PROGRESS. Under My goal to complete is: enter your activity goal. Press SAVE when you are done. Note: if you are a team captain, you will also see My team’s goal to complete is.
Activity Tracking has been enabled for this event, registered team captains can set a team KM goal. Your team activity goal will be shown on your page.
*Please note: Please adjust your team’s goal every time you add a new member into the team. It does not automatically update. The default goal is set at 100 KM when you register your team, so please update it upon registration.
STEP 1 : Visit Ride for Wishes website: www.rideforwishes.ca and LOGIN (top right hand corner)
STEP 2 : Click ACTIVITY TRACKING on the top banner of the webpage.
STEP 3 : Click the pencil icon for TEAM PROGRESS. Under My team’s goal to complete is enter your team’s activity goal. Press SAVE when you are done.
STEP 1 : Visit Ride for Wishes website: www.rideforwishes.ca and LOGIN (top right hand corner)
STEP 2 : Click ACTIVITY TRACKING on the top banner of the webpage.
STEP 3 : Click LOG ACTIVITY. Fill in KMs completed, Activity Date and description (i.e. Run). Click Save. You will then see your activity KMs added to YOUR PROGRESS goal. It will also automatically be added to your team goal.
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